Car Crash Studies

Alfred Gescheldt:
Elements of Wonder:
September 10th - October 24th 2009
535 W 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
ph: 212 627 3930
This is one of two shows that Bruce currently has on exhibit, the other being Todd Hido's landscape series 'A Road Divided'. Nicolai Howalt is a young Danish photographer who lives and works in Copenhagen. His work is considered primarily documentary, where his previous series include 'Boxer' which documented young boys before and after a boxing match along with 'How to Hunt'. 'Car Crash Studies' is a photographic study of cars that have been involved in severe and potentially fatal accidents. What particularly attracted me to the photographs was that although they are documentary, they are perceived as abstract. The most interesting pieces were the very large 70inch prints of the cracks in the paint on the damaged cars. These particular photographs have a distinct connection to Aaron Siskind's peeling paint photographs, wherein the subjects loose their origin and rather become a composition of shapes and lines.

Anthony Pearson
September 11th - October 10th 2009
509 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
ph: 212 680 9889
This is Anthony Pearson's first solo exhibition in New York. His work is very conceptual and combines bronze sculpture and photography. I have seen his work before at Lisa Cooley Gallery and Harris/Liebermann Gallery both on the LES last year and have become a big fan. This show is composed of two series: Flares and Opaques. The Flares are orb like photographs that are the result of light leaking in his camera, while the Opaques are solarizations of the backside of his bronze sculptures. What interests me is that his work could be interpreted as paintings or silkscreen prints, but are in fact photographs.
Alfred Gescheldt:

Photographs 1949-1979
September 10th - October 24th 2009
764 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10065
ph: 212 249 6100
At 85, this is Alfred Gescheidt's first solo exhibition in New York. He is known for his genius technical skills in collage, montage and retouching all before Photoshop, as well as for his humor. His work has been reproduced through advertising, postcards, album covers, magazines, etc. Gescheidt is famous for a series/book he did called '30 Ways to Quit Smoking' where he illustrated the Surgeon General's Report on Smoking in 1964. The exhibition is divided into three parts: the smoking series, his nudity series from OUI Magazine and other selected works. Thank you Kim for this incredible exhibition and for introducing me to Alfred, a man with such an imagination.
Elements of Wonder:
Group Show
August 4th - 24th 2009 (the show is still up???)

534 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
ph: 212 628 6778
This is a small group show of ten images that took its title 'Elements of Wonder' as the central theme. Danziger Projects states that the goal of this exhibition was to express "how the element of wonder so often manifests itself in photography". By including photographers from the last 130 years such as Julia Margaret Cameron, Annie Leibovitz, Adam Fuss (photograph on the right), Sze Tsung Leong, Mario Giacomelli, Edward Weston, etc. they have done just that. Each photograph is about a different type of 'wonder' which was what particularly attracted me to the show. Be it wondering how Adam Fuss created his photogram, or Sze Tsung Leong's Parisian landscape from his 'Cities Series' where one wonders, do we really live in a world where this exists. Making one wonder is something I try to push with my photography.
perfect shows for you to see. I will add them to my list when I go to chelsea.